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Artsmark Silver Award

We have some fantastic news- Goldenhill Primary Academy has been awarded the Silver Artsmark award by the Arts Council England:


"Being an Artsmark school demonstrates that through offering a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, young people have the opportunity to develop character and talent and increase their knowledge, curiosity and skills that will remain with them as they go through adult life."


Dr Darren Henley OBE, Chief Executive, Arts Council England.


The sliver level award celebrates the schools' ongoing commitment to arts and cultural education, and the opportunities emerging across the whole setting. It also celebrates that, at Goldenhill, young people are offered equal opportunities to participate in a broad range of arts; that the school recognises the importance of development opportunities for staff; understands the value of working with arts and cultural organisations; and that pupils, in addition to being able to develop skills and knowledge, are also confident and have self-belief.


Our thanks go out to Mrs. Lisa Keay, our Art and Design leader, who has worked to develop our Art curriculum and in collating and preparing the vast amount of evidence to support this amazing achievement. 
