Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! 

Mrs Keay, Mr. Bagley, Mrs Morgan & Mrs Aubrey


In Year 4 we are ready to learn; have the desire to improve; and the attitude to aim high and achieve outstanding results!


The Year 4's class ethos encapsulates the children’s desire to be the very best version of themselves. In Year 4 the children have the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents that they have been developing so far in their school life.  As a class, we are continuing the Goldenhill journey.  A journey which will be fun, challenging and provide an apex of special memories for the rest of their lives. Our exciting topic based curriculum will be driven by the children, allowing them to take full ownership of their learning. This independence will provide the children with the perfect stepping stone to upper key stage 2. A highlight of the year is definitely going on various topic based trips. Another significant event that happens is the Year 3 and 4 Easter Production. 



Useful Websites

Useful Websites


Maths and English Practise

IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group.  The Y4 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills.  Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.


BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2.  Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English.   Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online.  Some aspects require a subscription.


A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.


BBC Supermovers is great for moving and practising Maths, English and Science. 


BBC Bitesize has great activities, video clips for all core subjects, History and Geography.

At the moment they could find amazing information on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.


Phonics Play

Twinkl- offering free access using code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS (ebooks/spelling pack/PowerPoint/worksheets)

Times Table Rockstars

Classroom Secrets (English and Maths)

Topmarks (educational games)

Oxford Owl


Live Primary lessons on all subjects


Daily PE lessons with Joe Wicks online


Cosmic Yoga for kids


BBC Bitesize Daily lessons on Core and Foundation subjects on the BBC IPlayer


The Great Indoors Website full of exciting activities


Oak Academy Website: Daily Maths, English and foundation subject lessons with teacher videos and tasks for all year groups
