Hi Year 1
Hope you are all well and still staying safe. I hope you are enjoying the activities that I have set for you all and that you've been showing your super maths and writing skills. I'm sure you are doing such a super job, keep it up :) Remember to keep making memories so that we have lots to talk about when we are back!
Below, as normal, are different tasks for reading, writing, maths and an afternoon session for each day. You can always add your own tasks if you wanted to for example try some story writing or letter writing or maybe do some more work with number bonds to 10 and 20 and some addition and subtraction. Remember to still read your books from home, access times tables and other websites like:
BBC Bitesize
Oak National Academy
White Rose Hub
Epic Reading
Oxford Owl Reading
Don't forget about Phonics this week. We will be using Monster Phonics similar to last week. Here is the link https://monsterphonics.com/home-learning-in-the-covid-19-lockdown/year-1-home-learning/
Remember to stay safe and well
Miss Woodward :)