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Phonics / Reading

Daily phonics and reading is extremely important for the children. Please continue to read stories to your children and listen to your child read to you.

I have included here the first 100 high frequency words which the children could learn to read and spell. Most children can access these. There are then the next 200 high frequency words for the more able.

Similarly I have included a mat of the phase 3 phonemes which most children can access and phase 5 to challenge the children - I have not taught most of these graphemes yet but many of the children will be able to learn them. This was planned for the rest of the term and the beginning of next term. There are also the tricky words from each phonics phase.

Obviously different children will be at different levels and be able to access different  phases. I have included as much as I can to cater for all children and to provide challenge and the next steps. Please do not panic if your child cannot read or spell words from all phases, I wouldn't expect them to. It is important that your child works at his or her level and build their skills and knowledge from there.

There are many fantastic phonics websites you can access to make phonics learning fun. I have included these on the website page.
