Hello Year 4!
We all miss you and hope you had a good half term safe at home. We just wanted to a huge thank you for continuing to complete the tasks set at home - Well done! Below are this weeks activities. Please try as many as you like and remember to practice on TTRS and the games on Classroom Secrets Kids. Remember there is a class blog for you to chat on between each other and us. If you have support from Mr Barlow there is also a section for you to that has been added.
Thanks & Stay Safe!
Mr Bagley, Mrs Keay, Mr Barlow and Mrs Caswell
Classroom Secrets
Home Learning Pack Week 5
Complete the home learning pack above. There is also a parental guide too if you are unsure about any of the content.
Oak National Academy
This is a government initiative where teachers are producing a daily Maths, English and a Foundation Subject. They have online Videos to help support pupils and engage them in their learning...have fun!
White Rose Maths
Always happy to help, the White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8. We will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.
CLICK HERE to access the Year 4 page and complete Week 6 this week.
Purple Mash
Work / Activities have also been set on Purple Mash for the children to complete...have fun!
Don't forget the class blog that is on here too! See the document above for the instructions.
Other Activities
Below are some other activities you may wish to complete.