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Remote Learning

Welcome to our Remote Learning area


If you have to stay at home to isolate because of COVID-19 then we want to support you in being able to keep learning ready for when you come back and join us in school.


Each week new learning tasks will be placed on your year group’s ‘Remote Learning’ page, found on your child's 'class page'.  You will need to work through these at home – if you get stuck then please contact your teacher through TEAM or phone/email the school office.


We look forward to hearing about your learning adventures when we see you back in school.


Remote Learning Plan 2020


The school has implemented research from the Educational Endowment Foundation as a basis for our approach to remote learning


When implementing strategies to support pupils’ remote learning, or supporting parents to do this, key things to consider include:

  • Teaching quality is more important than how lessons are delivered
  • Ensuring access to technology is key, especially for disadvantaged pupils
  • Peer interactions can provide motivation and improve learning outcomes
  • Supporting pupils to work independently can improve learning outcomes
  • Different approaches to remote learning suit different types of content and pupils


The school has adopted a Tiered Approach


TIER 1: Individual Pupil:

  • Pupil sent home to take a COVID-19 test because of presenting possible COVID-19 symptoms

TIER 2: Individual Pupil: 14 Day Self-Isolation due to:

  • 14 day self-isolation as a result of a household member testing positive for COVID-19.
  • 14 day self-isolation as a result of contact with a person outside your household testing positive for COVID-19.

TIER 3: Year group/bubble closure: 14 Day Self-Isolation due to:

  • A case of a positive test result of a pupil and the whole year group have to self-isolate for 14 days.



  • Where a child presents with possible COVID-19 symptoms and is sent home, requiring a COVID-19 test, the pupil will be provided with an initial 2 Day Education Pack, whilst awaiting test results, if well enough to do so.  If the pupil receives a negative test and feels well enough, they can return to the academy. If a positive test is received, the pupil will move to either 2 or 3.



Where a number (from 1+) of children are self-isolating, and the school/ bubble remains open, the following process will be followed:

  • Parents asked if they have access to the internet and/or technology.



No internet access


No access to technology

A weekly timetable outlining daily learning opportunities and links to these lessons/work is available online, following the link on the child’s class page (Remote learning tab)- SEE EXAMPLE BELOW

A work pack will be made available to the family (following a 2 Day Education Pack)


The academy will loan devices to families to support the learning of pupils (subject to availability)


  • A member of the class team checks in daily through either a phone call or TEAMs to check in with the child regarding their learning and to give feedback.


Example of a Tier 2 weekly lesson overview






  • Where the academy or bubble is required to close and all children require remote learning, the same process will be followed (as in Tier 2) however the learning will take place using the normal school curriculum as would have been followed had the children been in school through a mixture of pre-recorded and live lessons,.  The staff will interact with children daily with opportunities for assessment and feedback built into the weekly plan.  See example below.




Parents asked if they have access to the internet/technology.



No internet access

No access to technology

A weekly timetable outlining daily learning opportunities and links to these lessons/work is available online, following the link on the child’s class page (Remote learning tab)- SEE EXAMPLE BELOW

TEAM’s will be used to facilitate interactive home learning through live and pre-recorded lessons and will provide an opportunity for feedback.

A work pack will be made available to the family (following a 2 Day Education Pack)

The academy will loan devices to families to support the learning of pupils (subject to availability)



A member of the class team checks in either through phone call or TEAMs to check in with the child regarding their learning and to give feedback.


Lessons Provided

- Daily Maths lesson

- Daily English lesson

- Daily Phonics lesson (Foundation Stage and Year 1) or Daily spelling lesson (Year 2 & Key Stage 2)

- Daily Foundation subject (at least 1) (Flexible approach if using a blocked curriculum for example)

- In EYFS daily activities for reading, phonics, simple maths and other suitable curriculum content



All children will be provided with an exercise book to record their home learning in, in the event of school closure.  The book remains at home although the teacher will give feedback based on work shared online.  The book means that children/families will not need to print off worksheets as children can record learning in their books.  If you require a new book please contact the academy office and we can arrange for you to collect one.  


Interactive Platform

The DfE have stipulated that a platform is used which allows interaction, assessment and feedback. Children will share their work and teachers will support through Microsoft Teams. Every child has their own portfolio set up on Teams and all parents will be connected to their child’s class teacher. Teams will be used as a means of direct communication between the teacher, parent and child. There is also an expectation to parents that children will submit work via Teams and that teachers will respond to the work submitted with feedback.


Logging on and accessing Team’s lessons.

When an individual pupil is self-isolating, but the class/bubble is still open, the vast majority of work set will be accessed via clicking on the lessons, on the weekly plan, which is found under the ‘remote learning tab’ on your child class page.  However, there will be daily contact with their class teacher through TEAMS.   In the event that a whole class/bubble has to close, children will be able to access work by clicking on the lessons, on the weekly plan, which is found under the ‘remote learning tab’ on your child's class page but there will be a more lessons taught and opportunities to engage directly with the class teacher via TEAMS. Please click on the link below for the guide to help you log into TEAMS. 
