Hello Year 3!!
It was so lovely to see so many of you on the Zoom video last week! Remember this will take place every Thursday at 2pm. I will send another text message with this weeks link on so that you can set it up. For this weeks meeting I would like you to bring with you something which you would like to show me that you have been busy doing at home .
I have attached your learning for this week. Remember to keep learning your times tables on TTRS and learn your weekly spellings on the SPAG page. I have also set you some to-do's on Purple Mash. Above all, always remember that you can contact me via the school office email and I will get back to you. I am so proud of you all; you are doing such an amazing job with your learning at home. Remember, keep smiling and stay positive!
Miss you lots and lots and hope to see you all on Thursday
Love Miss Lea-Smith and Mrs Howson x