Week beginning: 30.3.2020
Hi Year 2!
It’s Miss Pitt here. I’m really missing seeing your smiley faces every day and teaching you all. I hope that you are all working hard but more importantly having some fun at home! I can’t wait to hear all about it.
As promised, here are some more useful websites and worksheets for you to do at home this week. Remember all the skills we have learnt already and show off to your family everything that we know! We are super smart and know so much already wow their socks off!
One last thing from me…have you all heard that our favourite class author, David Walliams, is reading his books online for free. How fab! https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ here is the web link for them. Maybe you could listen to his stories whilst doing some handwriting or drawing the characters!
Useful Websites
Reading (9.05-9.35)
Oxford Owl: Read books, plenty of activities and remember to learn how to spell and read a range of common exception words.
Maths-9.35-10.35 (include simple arithmetic to include multiplication, division, column addition and subtraction (column) and fractions)
White Rose Hub- this is the scheme we follow for Maths. They are putting daily videos and questions on for children to watch and answer following the Year 2 scheme for Maths. Challenge yourself and see if you can do some of the Year 3 stuff (I’m sure you all can)
English (10.50-11.50) KS1 Literacy Shed
Pick an animation and stop it half way see if children can write the end of the story. Remember openers, fancy flicks, adjectives, adverbs, a range of punctuation, speech and conjunctions. Or even a character or setting description to the pictures given on the website.
Afternoon sessions:
PE- Joe Wicks- As a class we LOVE doing Joe Wicks fabulous workouts. He is doing a daily PE lesson which we are doing whenever I am in school. Have a go at home it is great, tricky but great!
Remember Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash too.
Spellings/handwriting using the spelling sheet given and all children know how to do fancy flicks!
Art- https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/learn-to-draw
Learn how to draw step by step. Copy different artists pictures. Include learning about famous artists.
Creative- https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities
Lots of activities to take part in both in and outdoors, take your pick!