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Week Beginning 15.06.2020

Hi Year 2!!


I hope you've all had a lovely week even in the rain. I hope you've kept busy with all of the different tasks I've set. This week I would like you to have a go at doing something new or teaching yourself a new skill. This can be anything you like. Maybe try a new dance routine, learn a new language or even origami. Whatever you like, but take time to learn or do something and have some fun!


As always I have set you English, maths, reading, and an afternoon session for each day. Have a go at the new activities I have set and remember all the fabulous websites that you can use too including Oak National Academy, Topmarks, Phonics play, and Purple Mash. 


Still missing you all so much but stay tuned for some exciting news coming your way!!!!


Stay safe and stay positive, 

Miss Pitt :) 
