Do Cows Drink Milk?
Why do ladybirds have spots?
What are baby pigs called? Where does our food come from? What animals live on the farm? What plants and crops are grown on a farm? Why do spiders spin webs? How do tadpoles and caterpillars change? What is a life cycle? What minibeasts can we find in our local environment?
These and many more questions will be answered during our exciting farm and minibeast topic. We will be enjoying a hands on farm experience in March where we may be lucky enough to see lambs being born and be able to cuddly a baby lamb. We will also experience an exciting tractor trailer ride. We will be learning all about baby animals, animal body parts and different farm machinery.
During the latter half of the term we will be going on a minibeast hunt and looking and growth and change. We will be exploring plants and gardening.