At Goldenhill Primary Academy, we aim for a high quality history curriculum that will inspire in pupils a curiosity about the past including Britain and that of the wider world. History is about real people who have lived and have been significant alongside real events that have happened within the past.
Within our history curriculum, we ensure that pupils consider how the past has influenced the present, what past societies were like and what beliefs influenced people’s actions. From this, children will develop a concept of chronology, which will underpin children’s developing sense of period.
The children will have the ability to think critically about history and communicate ideas confidently for a range of purposes to reach their own conclusions. To do this they need to be able to research, sift through evidence and argue for their point of view. With this, we have designed a curriculum full of subject concepts personalised for the children at our academy to build upon their conceptual knowledge.
At Goldenhill Primary Academy we ensure high standards of teaching and learning in history through a progressive and exciting curriculum.
Throughout the academy, history is taught through 2 history led units of work, which progresses the children’s knowledge, and skills that are stated in the National Curriculum. Throughout both Key Stages, the curriculum has been planned so that from Year 1 to Year 6 we promote a vertical and horizontal progression of learning throughout the academy.
During the topics, children will receive a knowledge organiser in their topic books which outline knowledge (including vocabulary) that the children aim to master during that topic which includes historical knowledge. The children are also given the opportunity to partake in a history based after school club.
We use a knowledge and skills based curriculum to teach our history and use a variety of teaching and learning styles in these lessons. Our main aim is to develop and build on children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in history as the children move through the academy.
The impact and measure of our history curriculum is to ensure that children at Goldenhill Primary Academy are equipped with historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to progress into Key Stage 3 as confident historians and for life in modern Britain.
At the end of each topic teachers will have a reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. This judgement will be made through a range of activities including tests, deeper questions and teacher observations.
Children will have a chance to show off their amazing historical knowledge and skills through their end of unit quizzes and their end of unit enquiry question.