Home Page

Home Learning

Dear parents,


I hope you and your families are all safe and well.

Who could have imagined in September that we would be facing such challenging times. Year 1 are the most wonderful class, who never fail to make me smile :). I am so blessed to have spent my days with them, and helped them to grow since September. Please let them know that they are never far from my thoughts, and that they are truly missed. I cannot wait to see you all again soon! 


I will be uploading home learning activities each week to this page. 

So far, you have... 

  • The home learning packs which were sent home in hard copy before the school closure. 
  • Spellings for this week. 
  • A home learning grid with lots of ideas for activities focussed around the learning that we have been doing in class.

These are all online now!


Please work through the suggested activities at a steady pace, and try to make the activities fun. 


Take care of yourselves and your families - stay safe.

Warm thoughts and wishes, 


Miss Woodward. 

As the school closure continues we will continue to update this page.


Please see below for:

  • Electronic versions of the work packs
  • Spellings (for next week)
  • Home Learning Menu (projects/homework style)

We have also sent out log in for Times Table Rockstar and Purple Mash (Computing) for you to access these at home.


Here are some useful website links. These are all offering free access!


BBC Bitesize

Super Movers

Phonics Play

Twinkl- offering free access using code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS (ebooks/spelling pack/PowerPoint/worksheets)

Times Table Rockstars

Classroom Secrets (English and Maths)

Topmarks (educational games)

Oxford Owl

See below for a full list of online resources
