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Hi Year 1! 


I cannot quite believe that this week is our FINAL week in Year 1! What a crazy year it has been. I am sad that we did not get to end our year together in Year 1crying - but please remember that you will still be with one another, and you will still see myself, Mrs Burke, and Mrs Lomas in school. We can't wait to hear what you get up to! laugh


You are such an amazing bunch of children. You never failed to put a smile on my face. You are so hard working, kind and respectful, and I hope that I see all of this continue as you go into Year 2. I truly could not have wished for a better group of children to spend my first year of teaching with, and I will remember you all forever! cheeky


Below is the home learning for this week, and as usual, there are a range of activities to complete. Please remember that, if we were in school as usual this week, we would be winding down towards the summer holidays as everyone would be getting more tired. You deserve the break over the summer holidays- so take time to relax and have fun with those around you. 


Have a brilliant week, and have an amazing summer holiday! Stay safe, whatever you get up to, and recharge those batteries ready for September when Goldenhill is reunited! Make lots of memories to share with your friends and teachers, and most importantly, have fun!!! 


Missing you all, stay positive heart

Miss Woodward


*Note: this week, I have skipped some lessons to allow the children to access sounds we covered the least during the Autumn and Spring terms. Feel free to complete any additional videos with your child*


Monday- Lesson 42 

‘dge' as in bridge 

Use the Letters and Sounds video (Lesson 42) on Youtube


Tuesday- Lesson 43


Use the Letters and Sounds video (Lesson 43) on Youtube


Wednesday- Lesson 46


Use the Letters and Sounds video (Lesson 46) on Youtube


Thursday- Lesson 47 

'se' as in cheese

Use the Letters and Sounds video (Lesson 47) on Youtube


Friday- Lesson 51 

'si' as in vision, 's' as in measure

Use the Letters and Sounds video (Lesson 51) on Youtube





