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Late/Absence Procedures



Regular attendance is crucial to the education of children.

When your child is unable to attend school, we do need to hear from you on that day.  Please telephone the school first thing in the morning to let us know and to inform us of the reason for the absence.  


We are legally required to identify reasons for absence and classify them as authorised or unauthorised.  These figures have to be published annually.


Authorised absences include:


Medical/dental treatment



Unauthorised absences are any absences for which the reason is not known or permission has not been given, and includes:

  • Holidays during term time, unless there are very exceptional circumstances
  • Care for siblings
  • Sick relatives
  • Visits to relatives, long weekends away
  • Shopping etc
  • Inability to get to school for reasons of transport


We are obliged to monitor attendance in school.  If a child’s attendance rate drops below 90%, parents are informed and we may liaise with the Education Attendance Officer as necessary.



In accordance with new government guidelines, authorisation for absence from school for family holidays will only be given by the Headteacher in very exceptional circumstances. 



It is important that children are punctual so that they do not miss the beginning of each school day. This time can be important because information is often given out which ensures the smooth running of the day and helps pupils feel part of the school community.


Although the school operates a 'staggered' start time from 8:40am-8:45am, the official school opening time is at 8.45am (for all year groups) and pupils should be in school at this time.  It is essential that your child is ready for registration at 8.45am prompt.  All entrances with the exception of the main school entrance will be closed at 8.45am. 


Pupils arriving after registration closes will have to report to the office where they will need to be signed in, their names will be entered into the “late book” to enable us to monitor punctuality and attendance.


The “late book” is monitored daily to identify the pupils who are persistently late. 


If your child is persistently late you will be invited to a meeting with school staff and the Education Welfare Office (if appropriate) to discuss the situation and support will be offered if appropriate. 
