Hello Year 4!
We hope you are all continuing to complete some of the work that has been set. Quite a few of you are completing the purple mash activities and we are enjoying seeing your work and commenting on it. Fingers crossed the weather is better this week! a HUGE well done to Ruby who has 'gained her wings' during her BMX training. Please remember if you would like to share any achievements or things that you have been doing with us then you can email the office to let us know:
Below are this weeks activities. Please try as many as you like and remember to practice on TTRS and the games on Classroom Secrets Kids. Remember there is a class blog for you to chat on between each other and us. If you have support from Mr Barlow there is also a section for you to that has been added.
Purple Mash
Work / Activities have also been set on Purple Mash for the children to complete...have fun! These have been scheduled for each day so please keep checking everyday for your next piece of work.
Don't forget the class blog that is on here too! See the document above for the instructions.
Phonics Play
National Oak Academy
Daily Maths, English and foundation subject lessons with teacher videos and tasks for all year groups. Have a go at Year 1, 2, 3 or if you want a challenge Year 4. CLICK HERE
White Rose Maths
Always happy to help, the White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8. We will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.
CLICK HERE to access the Year 2 and complete Week 9 this week.
The worksheets and answers for each lesson are above.
Other Activities
Below are some other activities you may wish to complete.