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I hope that you've had a great week this week and have been busy completing the activities set. 

I also hope that you have enjoyed spending time in the sunshine where possible, and relaxing with your families. These weeks are flying by so quickly, and I cannot wait until we can reunite and you can share all of the fun that you’ve had, with myself and your class mates. 


Below is the work for this week. There are reading, writing, maths, and topic activities to keep you busy every day! In addition to the work below, feel free to read your own books, access times tables games and Purple Mash on top of the work I have set. 


It has been lovely to see so many of you have started to access the wide range of free books available via Epic (links to this resource available on the Easter Activities page). 


There is also another website that you can use to access free home learning. Oak National Academy have set up free video tutorials and work for the children in each year group. There are lessons for maths, writing and foundation subjects. They are really good and follow what the children should be learning. I will add a link below for you to access the website or it is Oak National Academy home learning. 


Phonics this week will be using Monster Phonics similar to last week. Here is the link


Have a look at the work below and have some fun!


Stay safe and well


Miss Woodward :) 
