The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children, and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children.
We are therefore delighted to announce that Goldenhill Primary have shown our commitment to protecting our pupils online by working with National Online Safety- providing resources and training for all parents and carers. As a result, we have been awarded with the National Online Safety accreditation.
I'm a parent in 2022 - HELP!!
The online world is fast becoming the most popular, social place for our children and it is our job, as teachers and parents, to ensure that they are safe in both the real and virtual world.
This page will direct you to some helpful websites to keep safe online! (Click the images to go to the pages!)
The ThinkuKnow website is run by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and includes advice and information for parents, carers and children. CEOP’s Thinkuknow for parents and carers page includes separate sections for primary and secondary aged children, a video explaining internet safety for parents and plugins to make your browser safer.
The NSPCC has recently launched their Net aware site. It is a well designed site that is easy to navigate and gives parents up to date information about social network sites their child may be using. You can also register to ensure you receive information as soon as it is published.
Childnet's website features various resources for teachers, parents and children of all ages. It also updates a very active twitter account with up to date information on safeguarding in an E-Safety sense.
The UK safer Internet Centre site is full of useful information about keeping yourself and your family safe online. They update their information frequently, keeping up to date with ever evolving apps and crazes. They have recently published information on using the Pokemon Go app and on keeping safe in the summer holidays. The site also includes useful information about using social media safely.
Vodafone have developed an excellent website called Digital Parenting that contains lots of advice about keeping children safe on line. It includes instructions for setting up parental controls on a wide variety of devices (under the ‘How To’ tab) and a wealth of information about keeping safe online for all generations. It is well worth checking out!