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World War II

Wow! What a half term. During this Topic the children have:


*Been amazing authors by writing an Evacuation Story, RAF Pilots account of a dog-fight and a story about an RAF pilot.

*Read "Friend & Foe" by Michael Morpurgo. Here the children completed many reading activities about the characters David, Tucky, Mr Reynolds and two German pilots.

*Researched lots of facts about WW2 including the Blitz.

*Studied Rememberance Day and perfomed a Class Assembly on this.

*Created various art pieces based on WW2. (See display pictures below).

*Used their Geographical skills to locate countries, cities and towns across Europe during WW2.

*Developed thier knowledge in Science by learning all about light and how it works.  


Reading: Friend or Foe

WW2 Veteran Visit

World War II Displays
