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Do you want to be friends? Why do Squirrels hide their nuts?

Do you want to be friends?

Would you like to play with me? These questions and more will be explored in this project about friendship, being kind and working together. We will learn all about friendships, what makes a good friend, being kind and helpful, cooperation, similarities and differences and people who help us.


Why do Squirrels hide their nuts?

Why do hedgehogs hibernate? These questions and more will be explored in the second half of this half term. We will be learning about seasonal changes, hibernation and migration, autumn foods and woodland animals.

Area of learning Early Learning Goal covered this half term
Communication and Language Listening and attention; Speaking
Physical Development Moving and Handling; Health and Self care
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Managing Feelings and Behaviour; Making Relationships
Literacy Reading; Writing
Mathematics Numbers; Shape, Space and Measures
Understanding the World People and Communities; The World; Technology
Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and Using Media and Materials


We have had lots of fun this half term exploring the changes that happen in Autumn. We have been learning how to be good friends and all about people who help us where we need help. We have read many exciting books and have tried so hard with our writing and reading. We have enjoyed seeing the changes that have happened to the trees and we have explored how different birds and animals survive throughout the cold, winter months. We have been looking at how different foods last longer than others and deciding which foods would be good to feed the animals during the long winter. We have used seeds and nuts to make Squirrel muffins. We hope they enjoy eating them!