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Optional Easter Activities- 06.04.20

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I hope you are all safe and well

I have uploaded to this page some optional Easter activities which you may decide to complete over the first week of our Easter break. Some of these, as you can see, focus on maths and English skills, and some are more creative! 


Below there is a reading challenge which I would really like the children to have a go at during the coming weeks. I want to ensure that they keep up their amazing reading during this time! See if they can tick off one or more boxes a day, until they complete the whole grid! 


To help with completion of this, as I know that access to books may be difficult during this time, I have sent out a text which explains how to access our class page on a reading app called Epic. The app is free for me to provide remote access to students until June 30th due to school closures.

The app also has an accompanying website for those of you that prefer desktop access


To access our page on the app, once downloaded click 'Have an account? Sign in' and then 'Students and Educators'. Under Student Login, enter the code wey2068. Then, select your child's name and you are good to go!


To access our page on the website, click 'Students' at the top of the page. Then enter the class code wey2068, select your Child's name, and you are all set! 


I hope they will enjoy using the app, as there are lots of books available that the children can read or have read aloud to them. When children have read a certain number of books or pages they get rewards by earning badges and achievements. 


Stay safe, 

Miss Woodward:) 

Easter Reading Challenge
