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13-4-20 Optional Easter activities

Bingo Challenge Grid week commencing 13-04-20

I hope you all have a super Easter break, even if it is a little different this year.

Please remember you can email me with any questions –

I love seeing your pictures on the Learning Book, please keep them coming.

Thank you all so much and stay safe.

Mrs. Williams

Please enter The TWINKL offer for free resources during school closures – Thank you TWINKL


Cut out and stick the life cycle of a frog

(or draw)


Can you name the stages?


Where do frogs lay their eggs?



Watch the story growing frogs





Can you find out the difference between lungs and gills?


Sing the phase 2 Jolly Phonics Songs




Can you recognise s, a, t , p, i, n, f,r,o,g

Think of words starting with




Play eye spy.

Draw or collect things in a basket that start with “f”


Match socks from your washing.

How many socks are there?

Watch Alphablocks man


Can you sounds out the letters you need to write man, mat, map?

Make a den.


What have you used?


Junk modelling challenge – make a musical instrument?

How do you play it, do you shake it, hit it..?

Tidy your toys away.


How have you sorted them?

Which is the biggest, the smallest?

Learn the song five little speckled frogs

Cosmic Yoga Frank the Frog




Set the table for dinner. How many forks do you need?

Remember …


Wash your hands to keep the germs away


