We believe that we promote good behaviour by creating a happy caring school environment where everyone feels valued, respected, secure and free from all forms of anti-social behaviour. We encourage pupils to achieve in a learning environment where self-discipline is promoted and good behaviour is the norm. We believe pupils will achieve their full potential in a happy, stimulating and ordered school environment.
To create an ethos that makes everyone in the academy community feels valued and respected.
To promote good behaviour by forging sound working relationships with everyone involved with the school.
To promote self-discipline and proper regard for authority among pupils.
To prevent all forms of bullying among pupils by encouraging good behaviour and respect for others.
To work with other academy’s to share good practice in order to improve this policy.
Our Golden Rules:
Goldenhill pupils follow 6 Golden rules
We are gentle - We don’t hurt others
We are kind and helpful – We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings
We listen – We don’t interrupt
We are honest – We don’t cover up the truth
We work hard – We don’t waste our own or other’s time
We look after property – We don’t waste or damage things and other people’s property.
But we also expect children to;
come to the academy every day
wear their school uniform
have their P.E kit in the academy (every day)
move around the academy building calmly and quiety
Suspension / Exclusions:
A serious breach of Academy behaviour policy may result in a period of seclusion from class where the pupil is isolated from their peers for a limited time. The power to exclude a pupil stems from the 1986 Act. This must be a SUSPENSION or PERMANENT.
These include:
Verbal abuse to adults – comments, swearing or suggestions which could cause deep offence
Physical abuse of adults
Persistent and deliberate hurting of other children
Persistent to defiance to adults, both verbally and non-verbally
Persistent disregard of other people’s/school property
Racist behaviour
Bullying – including homophobic bullying
The power to suspend or exclude a pupil may be exercised only by the Headteacher who will use the sanction only in serious cases. The procedures for exclusion are laid down by the L.A. and the Governors. They must be followed exactly.