Have a fantastic summer break. The children have worked brilliantly and I am so proud of them and how well they have adapted to these very strange times! I have missed them all so much and am really sad that we have missed so much of the school year together – they are a very special group of children. Thank you all so much for all your support. I know it’s not always been easy – who’d have thought, last September, that this would have happened.
Thank you for being such an amazing class.
Take care
Mrs Williams
Challenge Grid week commencing 13-7-20
Please remember you can email me with any questions – office@goldenhillprimary.org.uk.
P4C –Would you rather live somewhere in the snow or live somewhere in the sun? Why?
The boy helps the penguin in the story. Can you think of something you can do to help someone?
Draw a penguin.
Make a food shopping list. Use paper, felt pens, old magazines, junk mail, scissors, glue. What do you need? You could use pictures from magazines, junk mail or make a list. Can you use scissors and glue to complete your list? Which foods are ‘healthy’ and which are a ‘treat’ or foods we have ‘sometimes’.
Practice writing the one armed robot letters r, b, n, h, m, k, p
They all start at the top and come down. What will you choose to write in this week – mud?
Think of words starting with
c k
Letters and sounds lesson 3 – blending with “e”
Letters and sounds lesson 15 - blending with “ck”
Can you sounds out the letters you need to write bad, bug, bus, bin, bop, |
queen quack
qu (tune:the wheels on the bus)
The ducks on the pond quack /qu/-/qu/-/qu/ /qu/-/qu/-/qu/ /qu/-/qu/-/qu/ The ducks on the pond quack /qu/-/qu/-/qu/ All around the pond
Action: Make a ducks beak with your hands and say qu
Move like a penguin. Can you move like different animals? Which is your favourite?
Numberblocks – The legend of big tum
Numberblocks –the wrong number
Numberblocks – the way of the rectangle
Learn the song You’ve got a friend in me
Find out about the South Pole. What is the weather like? What animals live there? Is the South Pole close to where we live? How would we get there? |
Junk modelling challenge – build a boat for one of your toys. Make sure it is big enough for it to fit in. Will your boat float or sink? |