Week beginning 13.07.2020
Wow! This is it! The final week before the summer holidays. How quick has that gone! Who'd have thought that when we said goodbye to each other in March that that would be the end of Y2. It was great to say goodbye to some of you on Zoom on Friday but remember I will still see you around school and will come and say hi to see how you are getting on. You really have been the best class ever, you are all such hard working, motivated and positive children that I will miss greatly next year. I am gutted that we didn't get to finish the year together but you will all be great in Y3. Keep up the hard work, I am so proud of every single one of you.
I have attached this weeks work below as normal there are reading, writing, maths and afternoon sessions for you all to have a go at. Remember to have a break over the summer holidays as you all absolutely deserve it, you have worked so hard! Also, remember all the brilliant websites out there. Including TTRS, Purple Mash, Bitesize, TopMarks, White Rose Maths and Oak Academy.
Have a good week everyone. Try and get outside especially at the end of the week as the sun is meant to make an appearance!!!!!! Most importantly, have a safe and happy summer holidays. Enjoy the break, have some fun and make plenty of memories!
Keep positive and keep safe
Missing you lots
Miss Pitt