This year, Year 5 will be taught by Miss Woodward.
In Year 5, the children will always be encouraged to be the very best version of themselves. As a class, we are beginning the next phase of that journey into upper key stage 2. A journey which will be fun, challenging and provide a wealth of special memories, which we hope that the children hold on to, for the rest of their lives. We aim to achieve our shared goals and maximize individual potential in a collective way!
The exciting and challenging curriculum in Year 5 is driven by the children, allowing them to take full ownership of their learning. This independence will provide the children with the perfect stepping stone to Year 6. This curriculum gives pupils access to a variety of different experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. These experiences have also been proven to both inspire and engage; while allowing pupils to develop both socially, emotionally and educationally as young children.
Thank you to all of the parents and guardians who support our children! We could not do it without you and your superstar children.
Home Learning 6.1.25- English
In English this week we will begin the story of Arthur and the Golden Rope, which is about mythical creatures.
Use the following BBC Bitesize link to learn all about Myths, and complete the online activities.
Home Learning 6.1.25 - Geography / History
In Topic, we will begin learning about our topic of Groundbreaking Greeks.
Take some time to explore the BBC Bitesize page all about Ancient Greece.
Choose some key facts to create a non-chronological report about what you learn.