Year 3
Well, here we are, starting our new school journey through Key Stage Two! In Year 3 we strive to inspire our pupils to start to become more independent learners and confident young people. They will be encouraged to develop a set of skills that will enable them to access their learning in a variety of ways. This will foster the development of resilience and perseverance in their work. We will explore, discover and experience new things, enjoy our learning and work hard together to create a positive and helpful learning environment.
During the year we will be studying a variety of great topics, producing exciting and impressive work and visiting interesting places. Please see the long term plan below for more details of our exciting work this year.
Snow day resources - 19.1.23
Oak Academy - Y3 reading lesson (to engage with the text) online video
Oak Adacemy - Y3 spelling lesson (suffixes) online video
Oak Academy Maths lesson - recalling the 3 times tables - we have been working on this in class!
Oak Academy Maths lesson - recallng the 4 times tables
In our Science lessons we have been learning about Plants - there is an online lesson here:
Maths Game - Hit the button (Select times tables)
Our Fantastic Topics
Year 3 Long Term Plan 2022 - 2023
Meet the Teacher Presentation 15/9/22