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Family Forum

Welcome to Goldenhill Primary Academy's Family Forum page.

What is the Family Forum?


We want to work in partnership with our families as much as possible and we would love to hear your ideas for working together.

With this is mind we would like to hold a family forum meeting on a termly basis.


What is the purpose of the family forum meeting? The aims of the Family Forum


The meeting is between parents/carers and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement.

· To work together to improve the education provided for our children

· To share information, knowledge and skills

· To meet in a mutually supportive environment

· To further improve communications between parents/carers and staff/governance board.

 The family forum does not have any statutory responsibilities, duties or powers in the school.


Who can be part of the family forum? Why should I be part of the family forum?


Any parent/carer of children currently at Goldenhill Primary Academy is welcome to join any parent forum meeting. The forum will be chaired by a member of the school leadership team and at times other members of the school community will also attend the meetings depending on the agenda.

It gives you, the parent, an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.


How often will the family forum meet? What will be discussed at the meetings?


Every term for about an hour. Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and families. The meetings will be informal and are an opportunity for an open discussion. Minutes of the meetings will be taken and these will be accessible on the school's website.


The forum is not the place to discuss concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff. Please use the usual procedures for individual matters.


How can I raise an issue?


Come to the meeting and bring it up during the open discussion. If you are unable to attend send an email to the school office and they will pass it on to the meeting for discussion.


The next meeting is on Wednesday 12th October at 3.30pm. Please inform the office by phone or e mail if you will be able to attend 01782 235790


We hope to see as many of you as possible, and we look forward to working in partnership with you.

Powerpoint presentation

Letter October 2022

Minutes of meetings


Mini Medics

Years 5 and 6

October 2019


Following suggestions from the Family Forum, Years Five and Six took part in our first aid training for children this week. 

This  involved the children learning basic first aid skills. The sessions were led by a qualified first aid trainer which covered the following:

First aid kits

Safety around the home

Talking to a casualty

Calling the emergency services

What to do if they come across someone who is injured or poorly

How and when to carry out CPR

The recovery position

What to do if someone is choking

What to do in the case of an asthma attack

The treatment of wounds

The treatment of shock

At the end of the course the children  received a training booklet and a certificate.


The children really enjoyed the course. Here are some of the things that they said!


'It was fascinating and helpful because if any of my family fell ill, i'd know what to do now.'

'It was fun and really interesting because it can help people and that's what I want to do when I grow up - be a nurse or a doctor.'

'It was good for advice and lets you know how serious medical conditions can be.'

'It was fun and interesting.'

It was fun and taught me how to save someone's life.'

'It taught me that doing something really small can save someone's life.'

'We can tell people we know how to do it and then they might be able to save someone's life too.'

'It was interesting because it told us what to do if someone had an accident.'

Mini Medics Photos
